Why the regulator broke on the PCB when it underwent vibration test?

I have designed a power supply card using V7805-2000. Copper thickness is 70 microns, board size is 5 cm × 5 cm. When this underwent vibration test the regulator came off, broken into two pieces(regulator leads are in the holes). How is it going?

It can surely be a reason for a vibration failure if the module isn’t mounted flush with the board and can actually moved by hand. Copper is horrible when repeatedly flexed.

I’d suggest strain relief of the assembly with some elastic compound to the board, if possible. It’s also important to evaluate if the module is ‘top heavy’, since the regulator body will leverage to the board.

Read More: PCB Testing Laboratory

#PCB Assembly #PCB Testing

Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.
Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.

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