Kategoriler: PCB Tasarımı

RF/mikrodalga PCB'yi diğer geleneksel PCB'lerden özel kılan şey nedir??

When working with high-frequency signals design, the placement and routing of PCB traces are of greater importance than DV or low-frequency circuits.

When traces are laid down parallel to each other (either adjacent or on opposite sides/different layers of the board) they form a very tiny capacitor.

When traces are routed around components they can form very tiny inductors.

şimdi, as anyone who knows about AC circuits will attest, two things are unavoidable:

  1. Capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to frequency.
  2. Inductive reactance is directly proportional to frequency.

Both of the above are measured in Ohms (as they are a measure of a circuit’s resistance to current flow).

Böylece, those tiny capacitors created by the parallel traces will cause leakage. Daha ne, the interference and the inductors created by wiggling traces around components will introduce a non-linear resistance into the circuit (and could even act as an antenna, producing undesirable interference elsewhere).

These issues are sometimes used for constructive purposes to reduce noise but make HF circuit design more of a challenge.

Örneğin, you might see traces that are deliberately “wiggly”.

Devamını oku: 16 Mikrodalga PCB Tasarımında Adımlar

#Consumer Electronic #PCB Design

Oliver Smith

Oliver, PCB tasarımı konusunda yetenekli deneyimli bir elektronik mühendisidir, analog devreler, gömülü sistemler, ve prototipleme. Derin bilgisi şematik yakalamaya kadar uzanıyor, cihaz yazılımı kodlaması, simülasyon, Yerleşim, test yapmak, ve sorun giderme. Oliver, elektrik tasarımı yeteneklerini ve mekanik yeteneğini kullanarak projeleri konsept aşamasından seri üretime geçirme konusunda uzmandır.

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