PCB İmalatı

FR4 PCB'deki nem emilimini nasıl en aza indirebilirim?

Adsorption is a chemical process that occurs on the surface and can affect surface resistivity. Since you are talking about PCB mass, it sounds like you are actually talking about moisture absorption which is diffusion into the bulk of the material.

  • If there are any fixing holes, it will be impossible to eliminate them completely.
  • I have some products where the use of this sealant is mandated (they are in ship-board aircraft). I only mention this to show there are solutions, if there is a requirement for complete sealing.
  • Simply covering most of the PCB with solder mask will reduce the absorption of moisture.
  • From a system point of view, other than the bare PCB, it would be important to avoid components that absorb moisture- which would include plastic-packaged parts, but especially polyamide (Naylon) fasteners etc. which can absorb an enormous amount of moisture (as much as 10%)- enough to cause large dimensional changes as well as mass changes.

Devamını oku: FR4 Termal İletkenliğine İlişkin Kapsamlı Bir Kılavuz

#PCB İmalatı

Oliver Smith

Oliver, PCB tasarımı konusunda yetenekli deneyimli bir elektronik mühendisidir, analog devreler, gömülü sistemler, ve prototipleme. Derin bilgisi şematik yakalamaya kadar uzanıyor, cihaz yazılımı kodlaması, simülasyon, Yerleşim, test yapmak, ve sorun giderme. Oliver, elektrik tasarımı yeteneklerini ve mekanik yeteneğini kullanarak projeleri konsept aşamasından seri üretime geçirme konusunda uzmandır.

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