Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer with over 7 years of experience developing products in IoT, tüketici elektroniği, ve tıbbi cihazlar. He is highly skilled in analog circuit design, gömülü sistemler, PCB düzeni, cihaz yazılımı kodlaması, and prototyping electronic products. Oliver’s expertise encompasses the full product development cycle, from concept to mass production. He holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and leverages his deep technical knowledge to deliver innovative electronic solutions.

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Hangi havya ucunu kullanmalıyım?

Bu noktaya kadar yaptığım tüm lehimlemeler delikli bileşenlerle yapıldı. Gelecekte bir noktada daha küçük yüzeye monte parçalara geçmeyi umuyorum. Weller WES51 lehimleme istasyonum var. Çok sayıda ET serisi ipucu mevcut. Çalışacağım bileşenler için doğru ucu nasıl seçerim??

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Do you use SMT or THT for USB mini B connector?

This question is about the advisability of continuing to use a USB mini-B right angle surface mount connector in my pcb designs. On occasion we see one of these connectors peel back or delaminate off the pcb. Immediately the question is asked, why didn’t you use a through hole connector?

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