RF PCB & Microwave PCB

RF PCB & Microwave PCB

RF PCB and microwave PCB are a type of printed circuit boards which carry the RF or microwave signal. So, these types of PCBs usually work on megahertz to gigahertz frequency ranges. Hence, we use these frequency ranges in communication technologies from mobile phones to military radars.

Features and Benefits
  1. RF circuit board and microwave PCB board can work on high Frequencies.
  2. They have a stable structure. Hence, it allows them to work at high temperatures.
  3. These have a stable dielectric constant and a low loss tangent. So, the signal travels through them with minimum impedance.
  4. It is possible to form a multilayer board stack up. Hence, we can make smaller boards. Therefore, they give optimal performance and are cost-effective.
  5. They allow for fabricating complex layouts. So, it is easier to assemble fine pitch components onto the board.
Issues and Solutions

1. Power Planes
The way you layout the power planes across a circuit board is very important. So, if you design the RF microwave PCB in such a way that power planes go around the edges of the board then you will face serious problems. So, it may lead to a significant amount of parasitic radiation.
Hence, you should run them between two ground planes. So that you may decouple the supply and the ground.
2. Decoupling and Circuit Loops
It is very important that you carefully place the decoupling components on an RF PCB. So that capacitive coupling doesn’t occur.
Hence, you should reduce the current loops by putting the decoupling caps to the ground near the pin. Therefore, you must ensure that every pin or port has its own via.
3. Thermal Relief
You have to consider the thermal stresses in the RF PCB design as well. So, the higher the frequency of the signal in an RF board the more prominent the thermal stresses.
Hence, you can avoid thermal stresses in an RF PCB by avoiding sharp changes in the trace width because it can negatively affect the RF signal. So, we must avoid the right angle turns and instead go for gradual and curved turns in the traces.

Material Selection

The material we use in the manufacturing of RF PCB and microwave PCB mostly depends on the application. So, you can use the following chart to identify the suitable RF PCB material for your desired application.

Applications Materials Characteristics
Consumer Electronics RO3006 Cost-effective with reliable thermal and electrical characteristics
Military/Aerospace RT/ Duroid Best thermal and electrical performance. Excellent environmental durability.
Medical RO4350B A wider range of properties which are suited for various types of medical devices.
Industrial RO4835 Excellent durability. Improved environmental resistance.
XT/ Duroid
Specifications and Capabilities

We have summarized the specifications and capabilities of these PCBs. So, you can consult the following chart.

Dielectric Constant 3.50
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 46 ppm/°C
Dimensional Stability <0.5mm/m
Moisture Absorption 0.06 %
Thermal conductivity 0.73 W/m/°K
Electrical Strength 30.2 KV/mm
Frequency 104 – 108 Hz

MOKO Technology is the top RF PCB manufacturer and we also produce a Microwave circuit board. We have a highly sophisticated production facility and a dedicated R&D team. Hence, we have the mass production capacity and we assure you to provide high-quality PCBs in high volumes. We have an amazing track record, years of experience, and an amazing reputation. Our products and services are of premium quality and we assure a high degree of reliability. So, feel free to contact us for placing your order today.