Categorias: Assembléia PCB

Se o PCB do meu forno de micro-ondas queimar, devo substituir o PCB ou comprar um novo forno de microondas?

You can buy a large Panasonic microwave oven at Home Depot for about $200.

If your microwave oven is blown out, its door latch may break internally and it couldn’t be opened without breaking it. If you are so inquisitive nature that you plan to disassemble it. You will enjoy the cleverness of the device construction.

Contudo, they are not built to be repaired. They are comparatively inexpensive devices that can be used for a pretty long time if not abused.

They are built, inside-out, to not really be serviceable. It is not in the company’s best interest for them to be fixed. It is the company’s best interest for you to buy a new one every 10–20 years, even though fundamentally the feature set doesn’t change.

I have no doubt that you can take it apart. You can probably get the new board back in. But I assume if you can get a hold of the PCB, you’re going to have a terrible time getting the oven back together correctly. And if you don’t get it back together absolutely 100% correto, there is a serious danger that microwave frequency radiation will be leaked when it is operating.

consulte Mais informação: Consumer Electronic Manufacturing

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Oliver é um engenheiro eletrônico experiente, especializado em design de PCB, circuitos analógicos, sistemas embarcados, e prototipagem. Seu profundo conhecimento abrange a captura esquemática, codificação de firmware, simulação, disposição, teste, e solução de problemas. Oliver se destaca em levar projetos desde o conceito até a produção em massa usando seus talentos de design elétrico e aptidão mecânica.

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