I've typically used RF switches for this purpose, but that's also when it was necessary to allow the antenna selection…
Engenharia reversa de PCB refere-se ao processo de análise e compreensão do projeto, disposição, e funcionalidade de um circuito impresso…
I have a set of LED driving lights for motorcycle that must be wired through a ground-leg pulse width modulation…
Quero dessoldar um pequeno botão de montagem em superfície da placa-mãe de um telefone. There are a lot of…
In the design of a power electronic PCB, I want to use a metal PCB for heat dissipation of a…
The PCB has a pulse oximeter mounted on the surface, and it's tolerance is 0.6mm. The problem is the pulse…
I am designing a board that needs a couple linear regulators (5.5v to 3v and 3v to 1.6v) but I…
I'm designing a new PCB where I have a whack of connectors that have to line up with the metalwork.…
Descobrimos que a montagem de um pacote TO-Can em uma PCB realmente economizará muito na fabricação. Contudo, it comes…
My small PCB is mounting a very sensitive fragile sensor on the top surface that has to be wire bonded…