2-warstwa PCB is enough to route any circuitry, at least in theory. One layer for vertical tracks, the other for horizontal tracks, connect them with via’s.
If you need route high-speed signals on the PCB, such as RF circuitry, switched-mode power supplies, and long digital buses, 4-warstwy are required. They are widely applied in modern datasheets, high-performance semiconductors, switched-mode PSU, heat-rejecting devices.
Price of a 4 layer PCB is roughly 3x-4x higher than that of a 2-layer one. jednak, most of the time 2 layer is not a viable option.
Czytaj więcej: Czy powinienem używać dwuwarstwowej płytki drukowanej lub jednowarstwowej płytki drukowanej??
#Projektowanie PCB
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