When I audit a supplier, I find that they label PCB bare part. Why do they do that and what…
Zauważyłem, że większość płytek PCB i znajdujących się na nich komponentów ma powłokę konforemną. Is that a necessary process for all the…
Zwykle pracuję przy projektowaniu PCB i znam przydatne oprogramowanie do projektowania. I want to know what design software you…
(On every board we submit a design for assembly, some designers may make PCB fab confused about the orientation of…
I had some troubles when I design PCB by Eagle. There is no exactly the component which I required. Jak…
I have received the final prototypes from manufacturer and all is good after our checking. And we want to keep…
Niejednokrotnie nasz producent PCBA dzwoni do nas w sprawie problemu z plikiem projektu. Sometimes we think it is…
Jestem kupcem w firmie telekomunikacyjnej. Niedawno, an important order of SMT PCBA is delayed due to insophiscated…
PCB i PCBA to dwa najczęstsze terminy w branży elektronicznej. Although the difference between them is only…
I am a junior electrical engineer and last week I have joined a product develpment project which involves SMT PCB.…