What are some of the benefits and downsides of moving from a two layer PCB with components on a single side, to a four layer PCB with components on both sides?

We got a quotation sheet of four layers board but it greatly exceed our budget. So now we are thinking about reduce layers to save cost. Does this solution work?

Two-layer is cheaper, while the four layers will cost more. Omdat

  • There are twice as many layers to etchand then laminate.
  • It will take almost twice as much work, steps and materials to fabricate.
  • It will also take two bijeenkomst passes for pick and place instead of one.
  • Anything manually placed through hole will also take one more pass for the second size.

Only drilling and 2 silkscreen and 2 solder resist will remain the same.


Compared to four layers, double sided

  • will allow a significant gain in component density.
Primary side taller stuff, large scale ICs and connectors
Secondary side low profile passives (chip resistors & condensatoren) and perhaps low profile ICs and diodes, signal transistors
  • That will allow a smaller PCA footprint, so the PCA costs are saved in enclosure and overall size. Dus, the user-friendly weight of PCB will suit portable equipment.

Lees verder: Uitgebreide gids voor meerlagig PCB-ontwerp


Picture of Olivier Smit

Olivier Smit

Oliver is een ervaren elektronica-ingenieur met kennis van PCB-ontwerp, analoge circuits, ingebedde systemen, en prototyping. Zijn diepgaande kennis omvat schematisch vastleggen, firmware-codering, simulatie, indeling, testen, en probleemoplossing. Oliver blinkt uit in het omzetten van projecten van concept naar massaproductie met behulp van zijn elektrische ontwerptalenten en mechanische vaardigheden.
Picture of Olivier Smit

Olivier Smit

Oliver is een ervaren elektronica-ingenieur met kennis van PCB-ontwerp, analoge circuits, ingebedde systemen, en prototyping. Zijn diepgaande kennis omvat schematisch vastleggen, firmware-codering, simulatie, indeling, testen, en probleemoplossing. Oliver blinkt uit in het omzetten van projecten van concept naar massaproductie met behulp van zijn elektrische ontwerptalenten en mechanische vaardigheden.

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