Recently we are developing a portable device which should be very tiny and light. In terms of PCB design, ik…
I find that the all types of PCB samples from my suppliers have ground planes. It seems important and I…
I am learning to design a multiple layer board for a medical device, and have a question about where the…
A lot of DIY video mentions about ground via. I am just very curious about its function and necessity.
I see some videos online that shows via-in-pad during manufacturing. But I don't think it is a good way, is…
My project have gone through from design, prototype to mass production after lots of discussion and adjustment. Now the manufacturer…
Het is de eerste keer dat ik voor mijn onderzoek een prototypebestelling bij een fabrikant plaats. And I want to…
Our team are developing a portable medical device with a small size, so we need a small PCB. How do…
Vóór printplaten (PCB's) en geassembleerde printplaten verlaten de fabriek, they undergo rigorous tests to catch any problems with…
I required a BOM from PCB designer of manufacturer, but he sent me a Gerber. How can I open and…