How Does PCB with 10M04SCU169C8G Feature?

When you choose a chip for PCB from Intel MAX 10 Family, 10M04SCU169C8G may catch your eye. As expected, it is basically good at commercial temperature adaptability and RoHS6 compliance. Verder, four characteristics distinguish itself from its family and receive more attention from PCB designers.

Complete Signal Transmission of PCB Attributes to UBGA with 0.8mm-Ball-Pitch

Chip: 10M04SCU169C8G

PCB Containing It

Ultra Fine Line BGA with 0.8mm ball pitch

Complete signal transmission

UBGA ball spacing usually comes in a variety of specifications, depending on application requirements and process technology. Common ball spacing specifications are 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.27mm, and 1.5mm. Met name, the 0.8mm ball pitch provides better signal transmission performance and better reliability.

  • Excellent signal integrity: Smaller ball spacing reduces the signal transmission path, resulting in lower signal latency and improved signal integrity. This is essential for high-speed digital signal transmission and improves system performance and stability of the PCB.
  • Betrouwbaarheid: Smaller ball spacing provides greater structural strength for each ball because each connected ball is shared with such more material support that they will be stabler.

Energy Conservation of PCB Attributes to Single Supply of 10M04SCU169C8G

Chip: 10M04SCU169C8G

PCB Containing It

Single Supply

Energy Conservation

Single power supply: The chip requires only one power supply, usually a DC power supply, to support daily operation. This characteristic allows more energy saving for a PCB. Due to the low power consumption of single supply, it can operate at lower energy consumption, while it also extend lifespan of PCB battery.

High Density of PCB Attributes to Compact 10M04SCU169C8G

Chip: 10M04SCU169C8G

PCB Containing It

Compact Features

High Density Design

The small size and compact structure of 10M04SCU169C8G make it easy to bijeenkomst into PCB. It typically allows high density trace layout and components during PCB-ontwerp.

PCB with this compact chip plays an irreplaceable role in the field of high-tech fine product, such as embedded control systems, micro-controllers, micro-processors, smart sensors, and portable devices.

Data Storage Stability of PCB Attributes to 10M04SCU169C8G’s Flash Memory

Chip: 10M04SCU169C8G

PCB Containing It

User Flash Memory

Good Data Storage Stability

Due to 1248Kb user flash memory, PCB with 10M04SCU169C8G of keeps data in storage in spite of power cut or device restart.

This type of PCB is usually applied in saving data and system software, such as solid state drives, mobieltjes, cameras and other electronic devices. Daarnaast,it engages in some new field. Bijvoorbeeld, it helps a series of complex algorithm of artificial intelligent device. Ook, it takes charge of data storage in some IoT device.


The above characteristic of 10M04SCU169C8G contributes to the professional function of PCB especially in some specific field. If you choose it and use it in proper field, it certainly brings surprising effect of your products, gaining customer belief against your product brand.

Zal Li

Will is bedreven in elektronische componenten, PCB-productieproces en assemblagetechnologie, en heeft ruime ervaring in productietoezicht en kwaliteitscontrole. Op het uitgangspunt van het waarborgen van kwaliteit, Will biedt klanten de meest effectieve productieoplossingen.

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