QSPI メモリへのプログラミングの失敗を解決するにはどうすればよいですか? PCBに何か問題があるのでしょうか?

It can result from hardware problems or setting programming problems.

  1. Image setting error: Confirm whether the read and write mode of the QSPI chip and the burn tool match, especially whether the correct mirror is selected at startup. You can try modifying the mirror options or changing the burn tool.
  2. 2. Hardware fault: Check whether the QSPI interface is correctly connected, whether there is a short circuit on the PCB tracks, and whether there is a problem such as virtual welding. You can check the line or replace the QSPI chip or the main control board.
  3. 3. Power supply problem: Confirm whether the power supply is sufficient and stable, you can use an oscilloscope to monitor whether there is fluctuation or interference in the power supply. You can replace the power supply or add a filter circuit to solve the problem.
  4. Program error: Check whether the code is correct, whether it is compiled successfully, and whether it is compatible with the hardware. You can use other QSPI burn tools or downloaders to burn and verify that the problem is not present in the burn program.
  5. QSPI chip memory chip problem: Check whether the QSPI chip is damaged, you can use other burning tools or downloader to burn and confirm whether the problem appears on the QSPI chip.

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オリバーは、PCB 設計に熟練した経験豊富なエレクトロニクス エンジニアです。, アナログ回路, 組み込みシステム, とプロトタイピング. 彼の深い知識は概略図のキャプチャに及びます, ファームウェアコーディング, シミュレーション, レイアウト, テスト, そしてトラブルシューティング. オリバーは、電気設計の才能と機械の適性を活かして、プロジェクトをコンセプトから量産まで進めることに優れています。.


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