categorie: Progettazione PCB

Quali sono i buoni software per la progettazione di PCB?

Prior to making suggestions to you, I think you may think about the follow factors.

  1. How much is your bilancio?
  2. Are you use it for profession?
  3. Are you going to share my designs in linea?
  4. Or you are going to work on a single computer most of the time?
  5. Which operating system do you often use?

According to your answers, here are 12 suggerimenti:

Free & Web-based

Circuit Maker: Focused on sharing designs and knowledge in the community of users

123D Circuits: Includes 4 moduli. Part of a large family of 3D design software.

Upverter: Partly focused on building a global library of verified components and footprints.

Easy EDA: Completely free for individuals and business

Free & Offline

KiCAD: Popular free EDA software

DesignSpark PCB: Free tools for electronic, mechanical and software design. Slightly focused on IoT progetti.

Fritizing: A nice breadboard to PCB transition tool.

PCB Web: Focused on the manufacturing process with a BOM tool, Digi-key part integration, eccetera.

Not Free & Professional

Progettista avanzato: Costs a few thousand dollars. Mades to design FPGA, flex-board, eccetera. (Windows only)

Aquila: Affordable option for small businesses. It has a free version with limited features.

PCBWorks: Can be used as a standalone platform though it is specially designed to facilitate collaboration with the 3D environment of SolidWorks.

OrCAD PCB Designer: Comparable to Altium Designer and at a similar price.(Window only)

#PCB Design #IOT

Oliver Smith

Oliver è un ingegnere elettronico esperto specializzato nella progettazione di PCB, circuiti analogici, sistemi integrati, e prototipazione. La sua profonda conoscenza spazia dall'acquisizione di schemi, codifica del firmware, simulazione, disposizione, analisi, e risoluzione dei problemi. Oliver eccelle nel portare i progetti dall'ideazione alla produzione di massa utilizzando il suo talento nella progettazione elettrica e la sua attitudine meccanica.

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