How can I determine BGA land pad diameter for given ball diameter?

I'm working on a project which requires the use of a CSP package. The product's datasheet provides ball pitch and ball diameter but nothing about the preferred land pad diameter. How can the pad diameter be worked out from these figures assuming an NSMD land?

You can refer to the following table.

Ball Dia. Reduction Land Pattern Density Level Land Dia. Land Variation
0.15 15% C 0.13 0.15-0.10
0.20 15% C 0.17 0.20-0.14
0.25 20% B 0.20 0.20-0.17
0.30 20% B 0.25 0.25-0.20
0.35 20% B 0.30 0.35-0.25
0.55 25% A 0.40 0.45-0.35


Read More: BGA PCB Assembly

#PCB Design

Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.
Picture of Oliver Smith

Oliver Smith

Oliver is an experienced electronics engineer skilled in PCB design, analog circuits, embedded systems, and prototyping. His deep knowledge spans schematic capture, firmware coding, simulation, layout, testing, and troubleshooting. Oliver excels at taking projects from concept to mass production using his electrical design talents and mechanical aptitude.

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