Soudure au plomb vs. Soudure sans plomb: Lequel devriez-vous choisir

Will maîtrise les composants électroniques, Processus de production de PCB et technologie d'assemblage, et possède une vaste expérience dans la supervision de la production et le contrôle de la qualité. Sur le principe d'assurer la qualité, Will fournit aux clients les solutions de production les plus efficaces.
Soudure au plomb vs. Guide de soudure sans plomb

Pendant très longtemps, la soudure au plomb, composée en grande partie d'alliages d'étain et de plomb, a été largement utilisée en raison de son faible point de fusion. néanmoins, health and environmental concerns have shifted the industry to non-lead-based products. The drive for this shift has been orchestrated by regulations like RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), particularly in the European market, to reduce hazardous content in electronic gadgets. Dans ce blog, we will explore the key differences in the debate of lead solder vs. lead-free solder, examining their properties, avantages, to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

What Is Lead Solder?

Lead solder has been the workhorse of assemblage électronique throughout the many decades. This is mainly made of tin and lead, although tin is present in larger proportions than lead in most cases, typically accounting for 60% of the alloy while lead will be 40%. It has several advantages such as low melting point, à bas prix, and easy to use. pourtant, lead is poisonous, this hazardous substance has many negative aspects for the human health of persons working with it. It also pollutes the soil and water, thus making the disposal of such products containing lead a big issue.

What Is Lead-Free Solder?

The attempts to use lead-free solder are mainly due to the impacts it has on human health as well as the environment. Lead-free solders contain tin and may have additions of silver (Ag), cuivre (Cu), and/or bismuth (Bi). Soldering materials containing no lead adheres to global legal frameworks, namely RoHS, reducing health hazards to workers and consumers. They have limitations such as high melting point as well as matters concerning reliability.

Lead Solder Vs Lead-Free Solder: Comparing the Key Differences

lead solder vs lead-free solder

  • Melting Points: Lead solder has lower melting temperature, so it is easier to work with. While lead-free solder requires higher temperatures, posing challenges in thermal management.
  • Electrical Conductivity: They both offer good electrical conduction although the current lead-free solder might have a slightly higher resistance attributed to the lack of lead particles.
  • Force mécanique: Lead-free solders, in most cases, create solder joints with lower ductility than lead solder joints. It means that lead-free solder joints are more brittle and more prone to solder joint failure when the object is stressed or undergoes thermal cycling.
  • Fiabilité et durabilité: Lead solder joints are generally less likely to be sensitive to stress and fatigue compared to lead-free solder joints; the latter poses a big challenge when designing products that require more testing, especially under subjecting to forceful conditions.
  • Wetting Capabilities: Lead solder has a better wetting characteristic than lead-free solder, which enhances the formation of better joints. While lead-free soldering may reduce the amount of toxic materials used in the process, they are generally much more poorly wetted.
  • Coût: Lead solder is less costly mainly because it is more easily accessible and comparatively easier to manufacture, while lead-free solders are relatively costly in terms of raw materials as well as require expensive tools and apparatus to use.
  • Health Concerns: Lead is dangerous for human life and health, while lead-free solders help to protect people from their negative impacts, make working conditions safer, and decrease the probability and effects of lead contamination.
Propriété Lead Solder (Sn-Pb) Soudure sans plomb
Melting Point Inférieur (183°C for Sn63/Pb37) Plus haut (217-227°C for common alloys)
Electrical Conductivity Slightly better Slightly lower
Force mécanique More ductile Less ductile, more brittle
Fiabilité et durabilité More forgiving to stress and fatigue Requires careful design and testing
Wetting Capabilities Superior Poorer wetting properties
Tin Whisker Growth Lower risk Higher risk, depending on alloy
Environmental Impact High toxicity due to lead content Lower toxicity, but some constituents may be hazardous
Coût Generally lower Generally higher
Health Concerns Toxique, poses health risks Safer, no lead contamination
Conductivité thermique 50 (W / m) * 1 k * 1 s 73(W / m) * 1 k * 1 s

Lead Solder Vs Lead-Free Solder: Comment choisir?

Now that we understand the advantages and disadvantages of lead solder and lead-free solder, the question arises: which one should you choose? There are a number of things that are required to consider before making the final decision.

Conformité réglementaire

If your government banned the use of lead, or if the products that you are developing will be sold in European countries that follow the RoHS directive, there really is no other way to go but to use lead-free solder.

Application Needs

The requirements of your project can play a significant role in defining what type of solder you plan on utilizing. Par exemple, aérospatial, avionic and medical electronics shall continue to prefer lead solder. It has been well tested and proven to maintain high reliability even in the harshest environment. While consumer products with no much concern on reliability will compromise on lead-free solders to comply with regulations.

Equipment Compatibility

Lead solder may pose some issues of compatibility with existing equipment. For lead-free solder, it is necessary to upgrade machines with high working temperatures, including Lead solder may pose some issues of compatibility with existing equipment.

Considérations de coût

Although lead solder is relatively cheaper, the total expenses taking other factors into consideration including health risks, penalties for breaking lead-free laws, and the cost of changing over to lead-free products must also be taken into consideration.

Long-Term Reliability

Durability of solder joints is a significant factor in the long-term success of the product. It is also important in the product that will experience harsh environmental conditions. Lead-free solder joints may be more sensitive than lead-bearing joints and may demand other tests and quality control.

Dernières pensées

Lead solder has been used throughout the years because of its dependability and relative simplicity. pourtant, lead-free solder is slowly taking its place because of environmental concerns and least health hazardous implications. En conclusion, while lead-bearing solder has been found to have high reliability compared to lead-free solder, the future trends in the electronics industry will be characterized by environmentally safe solders. The decision of whether to continue using lead-bearing solder or switch to lead-free solder will vary from project to project due to constraints such as the existing standards, and cost versus reliability.

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Will maîtrise les composants électroniques, Processus de production de PCB et technologie d'assemblage, et possède une vaste expérience dans la supervision de la production et le contrôle de la qualité. Sur le principe d'assurer la qualité, Will fournit aux clients les solutions de production les plus efficaces.
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