20 Layer PCB

20 Layer PCB

With the advent of technology, the use of 20 Layer PCB continues to increase. Most of the development focus on partnering quality multilayer PCB producer and assembler. With this solution, your company can handle any form of PCB project layer.

20 Layer PCB Stack Up

20 Layer PCBs are High-Density Interconnect board with huge width and space, holes are more than 0.3mm. Our experienced team can manufacture the 20 Layer PCB with four planes and 6 signal layers. High layer count boards require thin dielectrics (usually 0.006 or 0.062 thick board) which forms a tight coupling between the layers.
With adequate staking and routing, they meet specific requirements and high-quality standards with good EMC performance as well as signal integrity. Due to the tight coupling of signals, shielding of high-speed signal layers, return surfaces, availability of multiple ground planes, and tight coupling/ground plane pairs at the center of the board, the 20-layer PCB design has excellent performance.

Structure of 20 Layer PCB Board

The 20 Layer PCB conforms to a proportioned or balanced structure. Regardless of the layer distribution, the spacing between layers must be considered as well. To meet the minimum trace spacing requirements, proper layer stack-up is required. The space between layers is called prepreg or core. 20 Layer PCB design consists of one or more prepregs and cores. The cores are made up of a copper-plated glass protected by epoxy laminate sheets. While the core thickness ranges from 0.1mm to 0.3mm.
Prepreg is usually used to strengthen fabrics with a resin system. The epoxy (a resin system) usually offers a curing agent. In addition, prepreg helps stack all the layers throughout the plate with high temperatures. The physical and chemical structure of prepreg varies which includes 7628, 2116 and 1080.